Source: chunks.js

import { ColorType, FilterMethod } from "./constants.js";
import {
} from "./util.js";

 * @typedef Chunk
 * @property {number} type the chunk type code as a 4-byte Uint32 value (ASCII string)
 * @property {Uint8Array} data the chunk data (not including chunk length, type, or CRC checksum)

// /**
//  *
//  */
// export function matchesChunkType(a, b) {
//   if (a == null || b == null)
//     throw new Error(
//       `chunk type does not exist; maybe a spelling mistake in ChunkType enum?`
//     );
//   const aType = typeof a === "string" ? chunkNameToType(a) : a;
//   const bType = typeof b === "string" ? chunkNameToType(b) : b;
//   return aType === bType;
// }

// export function chunkFilter(type) {
//   if (!type) throw new Error("Must specify a type parameter");
//   const types = Array.isArray(type) ? type : [type];
//   return (c) => types.some((n) => matchesChunkType(c.type, n));
// }

// /** @deprecated */
// export function withoutChunks(chunks, type) {
//   const filter = chunkFilter(type);
//   return chunks.filter((c) => !filter(c));
// }

 * Converts an arbitrary 4-byte chunk type into a readable ASCII string.
 * @param {number} type the chunk type
 * @returns {string} a name representing this type
export function chunkTypeToName(type) {
  return String.fromCharCode(
    (type >> 24) & 0xff,
    (type >> 16) & 0xff,
    (type >> 8) & 0xff,
    type & 0xff

 * Converts a 4-character ASCII string into a 4-byte (32-bit) integer representing a chunk type.
 * @param {string} name the name of the chunk
 * @returns {number} a 32-bit integer representing this chunk type
export function chunkNameToType(name) {
  if (name.length !== 4) {
    throw new Error("Chunk name must be exactly 4 characters");
  return (
    (name.charCodeAt(0) << 24) |
    (name.charCodeAt(1) << 16) |
    (name.charCodeAt(2) << 8) |

 * @typedef {Object} IHDRData
 * @property {number} width the width of the image in pixels
 * @property {number} height the height of the image in pixels
 * @property {number} depth the bit depth of the image
 * @property {ColorType} colorType the color type of the image
 * @property {number} compression the compression method of the image (always 0 in well-formed PNGs)
 * @property {number} filter the filter specification (always 0 in well-formed PNGs, note this is not the same as FilterMethod)
 * @property {number} interlace the interlace method of the image (0 for no interlace, 1 for Adam7 interlace)

 * Decodes the IHDR chunk data, which gives information about the PNG image.
 * The chunk data does not include the length or chunk type fields, nor the CRC32 checksum.
 * @param {ArrayBufferView} data a typed array input, typically Uint8Array
 * @return {IHDRData} the decoded IHDR data as a plain JS object
export function decode_IHDR(data) {
  const dv = new DataView(data.buffer, data.byteOffset, data.byteLength);
  let off = 0;
  const width = dv.getUint32(off);
  off += 4;
  const height = dv.getUint32(off);
  off += 4;
  const depth = dv.getUint8(off++);
  const colorType = dv.getUint8(off++);
  const compression = dv.getUint8(off++);
  const filter = dv.getUint8(off++);
  const interlace = dv.getUint8(off++);
  return {

 * Encodes the IHDR metadata as a Uint8Array buffer. Depth defaults to 8, colorType defaults to ColorType.RGBA, and interlace defaults to 0.
 * @param {IHDRData} data the IHDR metadata
 * @returns {Uint8Array} the encoded IHDR data
export function encode_IHDR(data) {
  const buf = new Uint8Array(13);
  const dv = new DataView(buf.buffer);
  let off = 0;
  dv.setUint32(off, data.width);
  off += 4;
  dv.setUint32(off, data.height);
  off += 4;
  dv.setUint8(off++, data.depth ?? 8);
  dv.setUint8(off++, data.colorType ?? ColorType.RGBA);
  dv.setUint8(off++, 0); // Only compression type 0 is defined
  dv.setUint8(off++, 0); // Only filter type 0 is defined
  dv.setUint8(off++, data.interlace || 0);
  return buf;

 * @typedef {Object} iCCPData
 * @property {string} name the name of the color profile
 * @property {number} compression the compression method used (always 0 for well-formed PNG, implying DEFLATE)
 * @property {Uint8Array} data the compressed color profile data

 * Decodes iCCP (color profile) chunk data and returns an object.
 * @param {ArrayBufferView} data the chunk data, typically Uint8Array
 * @returns {iCCPData} the iCCP chunk metadata
export function decode_iCCP(data) {
  const dv = new DataView(data.buffer, data.byteOffset, data.byteLength);

  let [name, i] = decodeNULTerminatedString(data, 0, 79);

  // compression mode & offset for data
  const compression = dv.getUint8(i++);

  return {
    data: data.slice(i),

 * Encodes iCCP (color profile) metadata as a Uint8Array buffer. The data is expected to already be compressed by DEFLATE,
 * and the `compression` flag is ignored and set to 0 as it is the only valid value defined by the PNG spec.
 * @param {iCCPData} opts the iCCP metadata
 * @returns {Uint8Array} the encoded iCCP data
export function encode_iCCP({ name, data } = {}) {
  const nameBytes = convertStringToBytes(name).slice(0, 79);
  const buf = new Uint8Array(nameBytes.length + 2 + data.length);
  buf.set(nameBytes, 0);
  buf.set(data, nameBytes.length + 2);
  return buf;

 * @typedef {Object} iTXtData
 * @property {string} keyword the keyword for this text chunk
 * @property {number} compressionFlag the compression flag (0 for no compression, 1 for compression)
 * @property {number} compressionMethod the compression method (0 for zlib)
 * @property {string} languageTag the language tag
 * @property {string} translatedKeyword the translated keyword
 * @property {string} text the text data

 * Decodes iTXt (international text) chunk data and returns an object.
 * @param {ArrayBufferView} data the chunk data, typically Uint8Array
 * @returns {iTXtData} the iTXt chunk metadata
export function decode_iTXt(data) {
  const dv = new DataView(data.buffer, data.byteOffset, data.byteLength);

  let offset = 0;

  const [keyword, idx0] = decodeNULTerminatedString(data, 0, 79);
  offset = idx0;

  const compressionFlag = dv.getUint8(offset++);
  const compressionMethod = dv.getUint8(offset++);

  const [languageTag, idx1] = decodeNULTerminatedString(data, offset);
  offset = idx1;

  const [translatedKeyword, idx2] = decodeNULTerminatedString(data, offset);
  offset = idx2;

  let text = "";
  for (; offset < data.length; offset++) {
    const b = dv.getUint8(offset);
    const chr = String.fromCharCode(b);
    text += chr;

  return {

 * Encodes iTXt (international text) metadata as a Uint8Array buffer.
 * @param {iTXtData} opts the iTXt metadata
 * @returns {Uint8Array} the encoded iTXt data
export function encode_iTXt(opts = {}) {
  const {
    keyword = "",
    compressionFlag = 0,
    compressionMethod = 0,
    languageTag = "",
    translatedKeyword = "",
    text = "",
  } = opts;

  const result = mergeData(
    keyword.slice(0, 79),
  return result;

 * Encodes a standard sRGB gamma chunk, useful as a default.
 * @returns {Uint8Array} the encoded sRGB gamma data
export function encode_standardGamma() {
  const data = new Uint8Array(4);
  const dv = new DataView(data.buffer);
  dv.setUint32(0, 45455);
  return data;

 * Encodes a standard chromatics chunk, useful as a default.
 * @returns {Uint8Array} the encoded chromatics data
export function encode_standardChromatics() {
  const data = new Uint8Array(8 * 4);
  const dv = new DataView(data.buffer);
  const items = [31270, 32900, 64000, 33000, 30000, 60000, 15000, 6000];
  for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
    dv.setUint32(i * 4, items[i]);
  return data;

 * Encodes an sRGB chunk with an intent value.
 * @param {Intent} intent the rendering intent
 * @returns {Uint8Array} the encoded sRGB data
export function encode_sRGB(byte) {
  return new Uint8Array([byte]);

 * @typedef {Object} pHYsData
 * @property {number} x the number of pixels per unit in the x direction
 * @property {number} y the number of pixels per unit in the y direction
 * @property {number} unit the unit specifier (0 for unknown, 1 for meter)

 * Encodes pHYs (physical pixel dimensions) metadata as a Uint8Array buffer.
 * @param {pHYsData} opts the pHYs metadata
 * @returns {Uint8Array} the encoded pHYs data
export function encode_pHYs({ x, y, unit = 1 } = {}) {
  const data = new Uint8Array(9);
  const dv = new DataView(data.buffer);
  dv.setUint32(0, x);
  dv.setUint32(4, y);
  dv.setUint8(8, unit);
  return data;

 * Decodes pHYs (physical pixel dimensions) chunk data and returns an object.
 * @param {ArrayBufferView} data the chunk data, typically Uint8Array
 * @returns {pHYsData} the pHYs chunk metadata
export function decode_pHYs(data) {
  const dv = new DataView(data.buffer, data.byteOffset, data.byteLength);
  return {
    x: dv.getUint32(0),
    y: dv.getUint32(4),
    unit: dv.getUint8(8),

 * Decodes the pHYs chunk data and returns the pixels per inch value. This expects the data's x and y to be equal and the unit to be meters.
 * Note that since the value is rounded during encoding, the resulting PPI might not be exactly the same as the original.
 * @param {ArrayBufferView} data the chunk data, typically Uint8Array
 * @returns {number} the pixels per inch value, or null if the data is invalid
export function decode_pHYs_PPI(data) {
  const { x, y, unit } = decode_pHYs(data);
  if (x !== y) return null;
  if (unit !== 1) return null;
  return x * 0.0254;

 * Encodes a pHYs chunk with a pixels per inch value, this is mostly a convenience function.
 * @param {number} pixelsPerInch the number of pixels per inch, such as 72 (web) or 300 (print) DPI
 * @returns {Uint8Array} the encoded pHYs data
export function encode_pHYs_PPI(pixelsPerInch) {
  // convert 1 m to px at N PPI
  const ppu = Math.round((1 / 0.0254) * pixelsPerInch);
  return encode_pHYs({ x: ppu, y: ppu, unit: 1 });

 * @typedef IDATParameters
 * @property {number} width the width of the image in pixels
 * @property {number} height the height of the image in pixels
 * @property {number} [depth=8] the bit depth of the image (default 8)
 * @property {ColorType} [colorType=ColorType.RGBA] the color type of the image (default RGBA)
 * @property {FilterMethod} [filter=FilterMethod.Paeth] the filter method to use (default Paeth)
 * @property {FilterMethod} [firstFilter=filter] the filter method to use for the *first* scanline (defaults to provided `filter`)

 * Encodes an image scanline (or sequence of scanlines) in the form of IDAT chunk data (a Uint8Array).
 * This will use the specified `filter` parameter, or default to Paeth, which is a good general-purpose filter. You can
 * set the filter to `FilterMethod.None`, which will be much more efficient but may compress poorly.
 * Note that if you are using many chunks of IDAT data, such as for parallel encoding, you'll want to set the `firstFilter`
 * to either `FilterMethod.None` or `FilterMethod.Sub` (the others require the previous scanline to be available).
 * @param {ArrayBufferView} data the raw image pixel data
 * @param {IDATParameters} opts the IDAT parameters
 * @returns {Uint8Array} the encoded IDAT data
export function encode_IDAT_raw(data, opts = {}) {
  const width = opts.width;
  const height = opts.height;
  const depth = opts.depth ?? 8;
  const colorType = opts.colorType ?? ColorType.RGBA;
  const filter = opts.filter ?? FilterMethod.Paeth;

  // for chunked IDATs you will want the first scanline's filter
  // to be one that doesn't reference the above chunks
  const firstFilter = opts.firstFilter ?? filter;

  const channels = colorTypeToChannels(colorType);
  if (depth !== 8 && depth !== 16) {
    throw new Error(`Unsupported bit depth ${depth}`);

  const bytesPerPixel = (depth / 8) * channels;
  const bytesPerScanline = width * bytesPerPixel;
  const elementsPerScanline = width * channels;

  const scanlineCount = data.byteLength / bytesPerScanline;
  if (scanlineCount % 1 !== 0) {
    throw new Error(`Bytes are not padded to channels and scanlines`);
  if (scanlineCount > height) {
    throw new Error(
      "Expected scanline count to be less than total image height"

  if (filter < 0x00 || filter > 0x04) {
    throw new Error(`filter type ${filter} unsupported`);

  const expectedByteLength = scanlineCount * bytesPerScanline;
  const out = new Uint8Array(expectedByteLength + scanlineCount);

  if (depth === 16) {
    // Special case: we need to deal with endianness by converting input into big endian

    // To handle filtering, we will keep track of two scanlines worth of BE packed data:
    // The current scanline, and the previous
    const packed = new Uint8Array(bytesPerScanline * 2);
    const packedDV = new DataView(

    for (let i = 0; i < scanlineCount; i++) {
      const srcIdxInElements = i * elementsPerScanline;

      // Shift the second half of the buffer toward the front
      // The first half will be the 'above scanline' (initially 0)
      if (i > 0) packed.copyWithin(0, bytesPerScanline);

      // now do the big packing into big endian format for this scanline
      // making sure to place it in the second half of the buffer
      for (let j = 0; j < elementsPerScanline; j++) {
        const v = data[srcIdxInElements + j];
        packedDV.setUint16(bytesPerScanline + j * 2, v);

      const dstIdxInBytes = i * (bytesPerScanline + 1);
      const dstIdxInBytesPlusOne = dstIdxInBytes + 1;

      // Note: the source here is the latter half of the temp 2-scanline array
      const srcIdxInBytes = bytesPerScanline;
      const scanlineFilter = i === 0 ? firstFilter : filter;

      if (scanlineFilter == FilterMethod.None) {
        // fast mode, we can just copy the big endian bytes over to the output
        // being sure to only copy the second half of the buffer (current scanline)
        // and placing it after the filter (which doesn't need to be set, default 0x00)
        out.set(packed.subarray(bytesPerScanline), dstIdxInBytesPlusOne);
      } else {
        out[dstIdxInBytes] = scanlineFilter;
  } else {
    // 8 bit is simpler, we can just copy data
    for (let i = 0; i < scanlineCount; i++) {
      // scanline size + 1 byte for filter type
      const dstIdxInBytes = i * (bytesPerScanline + 1);
      const dstIdxInBytesPlusOne = dstIdxInBytes + 1;
      const srcIdxInBytes = i * bytesPerScanline;
      const scanlineFilter = i === 0 ? firstFilter : filter;
      if (scanlineFilter == FilterMethod.None) {
        // Copy each scanline over but with a 1 byte offset
        // place after 1 byte offset to account for 0x00 filter (does not need to be set, buffer defaults to 0)
          data.subarray(srcIdxInBytes, srcIdxInBytes + bytesPerScanline),
      } else {
        out[dstIdxInBytes] = scanlineFilter;

  return out;