API Docs for: 0.5.1

File: lib/glutils/ShaderProgram.js

 * @module kami

var Class = require('klasse');

var ShaderProgram = new Class({
	 * Creates a new ShaderProgram from the given source, and an optional map of attribute
	 * locations as <name, index> pairs.
	 * _Note:_ Chrome version 31 was giving me issues with attribute locations -- you may
	 * want to omit this to let the browser pick the locations for you.	
	 * @class  ShaderProgram
	 * @constructor
	 * @param  {WebGLContext} context      the context to manage this object
	 * @param  {String} vertSource         the vertex shader source
	 * @param  {String} fragSource         the fragment shader source
	 * @param  {Object} attributeLocations the attribute locations
	initialize: function ShaderProgram(context, vertSource, fragSource, attributeLocations) {
		if (!vertSource || !fragSource)
			throw "vertex and fragment shaders must be defined";
		if (typeof context !== "object")
			throw "GL context not specified to ShaderProgram";
		this.context = context;

		this.vertShader = null;
		this.fragShader = null;
		this.program = null;
		this.log = "";

		this.uniformCache = null;
		this.attributeCache = null;

		this.attributeLocations = attributeLocations;

		//We trim (ECMAScript5) so that the GLSL line numbers are
		//accurate on shader log
		this.vertSource = vertSource.trim();
		this.fragSource = fragSource.trim();

		//Adds this shader to the context, to be managed


	 * This is called during the ShaderProgram constructor,
	 * and may need to be called again after context loss and restore.
	 * @method  create
	create: function() {
		this.gl = this.context.gl;

	//Compiles the shaders, throwing an error if the program was invalid.
	_compileShaders: function() {
		var gl = this.gl; 
		this.log = "";

		this.vertShader = this._loadShader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER, this.vertSource);
		this.fragShader = this._loadShader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER, this.fragSource);

		if (!this.vertShader || !this.fragShader)
			throw "Error returned when calling createShader";

		this.program = gl.createProgram();

		gl.attachShader(this.program, this.vertShader);
		gl.attachShader(this.program, this.fragShader);
		//TODO: This seems not to be working on my OSX -- maybe a driver bug?
		if (this.attributeLocations) {
			for (var key in this.attributeLocations) {
				if (this.attributeLocations.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
					gl.bindAttribLocation(this.program, Math.floor(this.attributeLocations[key]), key);


		this.log += gl.getProgramInfoLog(this.program) || "";

		if (!gl.getProgramParameter(this.program, gl.LINK_STATUS)) {
			throw "Error linking the shader program:\n"
				+ this.log;


	_fetchUniforms: function() {
		var gl = this.gl;

		this.uniformCache = {};

		var len = gl.getProgramParameter(this.program, gl.ACTIVE_UNIFORMS);
		if (!len) //null or zero

		for (var i=0; i<len; i++) {
			var info = gl.getActiveUniform(this.program, i);
			if (info === null) 
			var name = info.name;
			var location = gl.getUniformLocation(this.program, name);
			this.uniformCache[name] = {
				size: info.size,
				type: info.type,
				location: location

	_fetchAttributes: function() { 
		var gl = this.gl; 

		this.attributeCache = {};

		var len = gl.getProgramParameter(this.program, gl.ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES);
		if (!len) //null or zero

		for (var i=0; i<len; i++) {
			var info = gl.getActiveAttrib(this.program, i);
			if (info === null) 
			var name = info.name;

			//the attrib location is a simple index
			var location = gl.getAttribLocation(this.program, name);
			this.attributeCache[name] = {
				size: info.size,
				type: info.type,
				location: location

	_loadShader: function(type, source) {
		var gl = this.gl;

		var shader = gl.createShader(type);
		if (!shader) //should not occur...
			return -1;

		gl.shaderSource(shader, source);
		var logResult = gl.getShaderInfoLog(shader) || "";
		if (logResult) {
			//we do this so the user knows which shader has the error
			var typeStr = (type === gl.VERTEX_SHADER) ? "vertex" : "fragment";
			logResult = "Error compiling "+ typeStr+ " shader:\n"+logResult;

		this.log += logResult;

		if (!gl.getShaderParameter(shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS) ) {
			throw this.log;
		return shader;

	 * Called to bind this shader. Note that there is no "unbind" since
	 * technically such a thing is not possible in the programmable pipeline.
	 * You must bind a shader before settings its uniforms.
	 * @method bind
	bind: function() {

	 * Destroys this shader and its resources. You should not try to use this
	 * after destroying it.
	 * @method  destroy
	destroy: function() {
		if (this.context)

		if (this.gl && this.program) {
			var gl = this.gl;
			gl.detachShader(this.program, this.vertShader);
			gl.detachShader(this.program, this.fragShader);

		this.attributeCache = null;
		this.uniformCache = null;
		this.vertShader = null;
		this.fragShader = null;
		this.program = null;
		this.gl = null;
		this.context = null;

	 * Returns the cached uniform info (size, type, location).
	 * If the uniform is not found in the cache, it is assumed
	 * to not exist, and this method returns null.
	 * This may return null even if the uniform is defined in GLSL:
	 * if it is _inactive_ (i.e. not used in the program) then it may
	 * be optimized out.
	 * @method  getUniformInfo
	 * @param  {String} name the uniform name as defined in GLSL
	 * @return {Object} an object containing location, size, and type
	getUniformInfo: function(name) {
		return this.uniformCache[name] || null; 

	 * Returns the cached attribute info (size, type, location).
	 * If the attribute is not found in the cache, it is assumed
	 * to not exist, and this method returns null.
	 * This may return null even if the attribute is defined in GLSL:
	 * if it is _inactive_ (i.e. not used in the program or disabled) 
	 * then it may be optimized out.
	 * @method  getAttributeInfo
	 * @param  {String} name the attribute name as defined in GLSL
	 * @return {object} an object containing location, size and type
	getAttributeInfo: function(name) {
		return this.attributeCache[name] || null; 

	 * Returns the cached uniform location object.
	 * If the uniform is not found, this method returns null.
	 * @method  getAttributeLocation
	 * @param  {String} name the uniform name as defined in GLSL
	 * @return {GLint} the location object
	getAttributeLocation: function(name) { //TODO: make faster, don't cache
		var info = this.getAttributeInfo(name);
		return info ? info.location : null;

	 * Returns the cached uniform location object, assuming it exists
	 * and is active. Note that uniforms may be inactive if 
	 * the GLSL compiler deemed them unused.
	 * @method  getUniformLocation
	 * @param  {String} name the uniform name as defined in GLSL
	 * @return {WebGLUniformLocation} the location object
	getUniformLocation: function(name) {
		var info = this.getUniformInfo(name);
		return info ? info.location : null;

	 * Returns true if the uniform is active and found in this
	 * compiled program. Note that uniforms may be inactive if 
	 * the GLSL compiler deemed them unused.
	 * @method  hasUniform
	 * @param  {String}  name the uniform name
	 * @return {Boolean} true if the uniform is found and active
	hasUniform: function(name) {
		return this.getUniformInfo(name) !== null;

	 * Returns true if the attribute is active and found in this
	 * compiled program.
	 * @method  hasAttribute
	 * @param  {String}  name the attribute name
	 * @return {Boolean} true if the attribute is found and active
	hasAttribute: function(name) {
		return this.getAttributeInfo(name) !== null;

	 * Returns the uniform value by name.
	 * @method  getUniform
	 * @param  {String} name the uniform name as defined in GLSL
	 * @return {any} The value of the WebGL uniform
	getUniform: function(name) {
		return this.gl.getUniform(this.program, this.getUniformLocation(name));

	 * Returns the uniform value at the specified WebGLUniformLocation.
	 * @method  getUniformAt
	 * @param  {WebGLUniformLocation} location the location object
	 * @return {any} The value of the WebGL uniform
	getUniformAt: function(location) {
		return this.gl.getUniform(this.program, location);

	 * A convenience method to set uniformi from the given arguments.
	 * We determine which GL call to make based on the number of arguments
	 * passed. For example, `setUniformi("var", 0, 1)` maps to `gl.uniform2i`.
	 * @method  setUniformi
	 * @param {String} name        		the name of the uniform
	 * @param {GLint} x  the x component for ints
	 * @param {GLint} y  the y component for ivec2
	 * @param {GLint} z  the z component for ivec3
	 * @param {GLint} w  the w component for ivec4
	setUniformi: function(name, x, y, z, w) {
		'use strict';
		var gl = this.gl;
		var loc = this.getUniformLocation(name);
		if (loc === null)
			return false;
		switch (arguments.length) {
			case 2: gl.uniform1i(loc, x); return true;
			case 3: gl.uniform2i(loc, x, y); return true;
			case 4: gl.uniform3i(loc, x, y, z); return true;
			case 5: gl.uniform4i(loc, x, y, z, w); return true;
				throw "invalid arguments to setUniformi"; 

	 * A convenience method to set uniformf from the given arguments.
	 * We determine which GL call to make based on the number of arguments
	 * passed. For example, `setUniformf("var", 0, 1)` maps to `gl.uniform2f`.
	 * @method  setUniformf
	 * @param {String} name        		the name of the uniform
	 * @param {GLfloat} x  the x component for floats
	 * @param {GLfloat} y  the y component for vec2
	 * @param {GLfloat} z  the z component for vec3
	 * @param {GLfloat} w  the w component for vec4
	setUniformf: function(name, x, y, z, w) {
		'use strict';
		var gl = this.gl;
		var loc = this.getUniformLocation(name);
		if (loc === null)
			return false;
		switch (arguments.length) {
			case 2: gl.uniform1f(loc, x); return true;
			case 3: gl.uniform2f(loc, x, y); return true;
			case 4: gl.uniform3f(loc, x, y, z); return true;
			case 5: gl.uniform4f(loc, x, y, z, w); return true;
				throw "invalid arguments to setUniformf"; 

	//I guess we won't support sequence<GLfloat> .. whatever that is ??

	 * A convenience method to set uniformNfv from the given ArrayBuffer.
	 * We determine which GL call to make based on the length of the array 
	 * buffer (for 1-4 component vectors stored in a Float32Array). To use
	 * this method to upload data to uniform arrays, you need to specify the
	 * 'count' parameter; i.e. the data type you are using for that array. If
	 * specified, this will dictate whether to call uniform1fv, uniform2fv, etc.
	 * @method  setUniformfv
	 * @param {String} name        		the name of the uniform
	 * @param {ArrayBuffer} arrayBuffer the array buffer
	 * @param {Number} count            optional, the explicit data type count, e.g. 2 for vec2
	setUniformfv: function(name, arrayBuffer, count) {
		'use strict';
		count = count || arrayBuffer.length;
		var gl = this.gl;
		var loc = this.getUniformLocation(name);
		if (loc === null)
			return false;
		switch (count) {
			case 1: gl.uniform1fv(loc, arrayBuffer); return true;
			case 2: gl.uniform2fv(loc, arrayBuffer); return true;
			case 3: gl.uniform3fv(loc, arrayBuffer); return true;
			case 4: gl.uniform4fv(loc, arrayBuffer); return true;
				throw "invalid arguments to setUniformf"; 

	 * A convenience method to set uniformNiv from the given ArrayBuffer.
	 * We determine which GL call to make based on the length of the array 
	 * buffer (for 1-4 component vectors stored in a int array). To use
	 * this method to upload data to uniform arrays, you need to specify the
	 * 'count' parameter; i.e. the data type you are using for that array. If
	 * specified, this will dictate whether to call uniform1fv, uniform2fv, etc.
	 * @method  setUniformiv
	 * @param {String} name        		the name of the uniform
	 * @param {ArrayBuffer} arrayBuffer the array buffer
	 * @param {Number} count            optional, the explicit data type count, e.g. 2 for ivec2
	setUniformiv: function(name, arrayBuffer, count) {
		'use strict';
		count = count || arrayBuffer.length;
		var gl = this.gl;
		var loc = this.getUniformLocation(name);
		if (loc === null)
			return false;
		switch (count) {
			case 1: gl.uniform1iv(loc, arrayBuffer); return true;
			case 2: gl.uniform2iv(loc, arrayBuffer); return true;
			case 3: gl.uniform3iv(loc, arrayBuffer); return true;
			case 4: gl.uniform4iv(loc, arrayBuffer); return true;
				throw "invalid arguments to setUniformf"; 

	 * This is a convenience function to pass a Matrix3 (from vecmath,
	 * kami's preferred math library) or a Float32Array (e.g. gl-matrix)
	 * to a shader. If mat is an object with "val", it is considered to be
	 * a Matrix3, otherwise assumed to be a typed array being passed directly
	 * to the shader.
	 * @param {String} name the uniform name
	 * @param {Matrix3|Float32Array} mat a Matrix3 or Float32Array
	 * @param {Boolean} transpose whether to transpose the matrix, default false
	setUniformMatrix3: function(name, mat, transpose) {
		'use strict';
		var arr = typeof mat === "object" && mat.val ? mat.val : mat;
		transpose = !!transpose; //to boolean

		var gl = this.gl;
		var loc = this.getUniformLocation(name);
		if (loc === null)
			return false;
		gl.uniformMatrix3fv(loc, transpose, arr)

	 * This is a convenience function to pass a Matrix4 (from vecmath,
	 * kami's preferred math library) or a Float32Array (e.g. gl-matrix)
	 * to a shader. If mat is an object with "val", it is considered to be
	 * a Matrix4, otherwise assumed to be a typed array being passed directly
	 * to the shader.
	 * @param {String} name the uniform name
	 * @param {Matrix4|Float32Array} mat a Matrix4 or Float32Array
	 * @param {Boolean} transpose whether to transpose the matrix, default false
	setUniformMatrix4: function(name, mat, transpose) {
		'use strict';
		var arr = typeof mat === "object" && mat.val ? mat.val : mat;
		transpose = !!transpose; //to boolean

		var gl = this.gl;
		var loc = this.getUniformLocation(name);
		if (loc === null)
			return false;
		gl.uniformMatrix4fv(loc, transpose, arr)

//Some default attribute names that parts of kami will use
//when creating a standard shader.
ShaderProgram.POSITION_ATTRIBUTE = "Position";
ShaderProgram.NORMAL_ATTRIBUTE = "Normal";
ShaderProgram.COLOR_ATTRIBUTE = "Color";
ShaderProgram.TEXCOORD_ATTRIBUTE = "TexCoord";

module.exports = ShaderProgram;