API Docs for: 0.5.1

File: lib/glutils/Mesh.js

 * @module kami

var Class = require('klasse');

//TODO: decouple into VBO + IBO utilities 
 * A mesh class that wraps VBO and IBO.
 * @class  Mesh
var Mesh = new Class({

	 * A write-only property which sets both vertices and indices 
	 * flag to dirty or not. 
	 * @property dirty
	 * @type {Boolean}
	 * @writeOnly
	dirty: {
		set: function(val) {
			this.verticesDirty = val;
			this.indicesDirty = val;

	 * Creates a new Mesh with the provided parameters.
	 * If numIndices is 0 or falsy, no index buffer will be used
	 * and indices will be an empty ArrayBuffer and a null indexBuffer.
	 * If isStatic is true, then vertexUsage and indexUsage will
	 * be set to gl.STATIC_DRAW. Otherwise they will use gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW.
	 * You may want to adjust these after initialization for further control.
	 * @param  {WebGLContext}  context the context for management
	 * @param  {Boolean} isStatic      a hint as to whether this geometry is static
	 * @param  {[type]}  numVerts      [description]
	 * @param  {[type]}  numIndices    [description]
	 * @param  {[type]}  vertexAttribs [description]
	 * @return {[type]}                [description]
	initialize: function Mesh(context, isStatic, numVerts, numIndices, vertexAttribs) {
		if (typeof context !== "object")
			throw "GL context not specified to Mesh";
		if (!numVerts)
			throw "numVerts not specified, must be > 0";

		this.context = context;
		this.gl = context.gl;
		this.numVerts = null;
		this.numIndices = null;
		this.vertices = null;
		this.indices = null;
		this.vertexBuffer = null;
		this.indexBuffer = null;

		this.verticesDirty = true;
		this.indicesDirty = true;
		this.indexUsage = null;
		this.vertexUsage = null;

		 * @property
		 * @private
		this._vertexAttribs = null;

		 * The stride for one vertex _in bytes_. 
		 * @property {Number} vertexStride
		this.vertexStride = null;

		this.numVerts = numVerts;
		this.numIndices = numIndices || 0;
		this.vertexUsage = isStatic ? this.gl.STATIC_DRAW : this.gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW;
		this.indexUsage  = isStatic ? this.gl.STATIC_DRAW : this.gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW;
		this._vertexAttribs = vertexAttribs || [];
		this.indicesDirty = true;
		this.verticesDirty = true;

		//determine the vertex stride based on given attributes
		var totalNumComponents = 0;
		for (var i=0; i<this._vertexAttribs.length; i++)
			totalNumComponents += this._vertexAttribs[i].offsetCount;
		this.vertexStride = totalNumComponents * 4; // in bytes

		this.vertices = new Float32Array(this.numVerts);
		this.indices = new Uint16Array(this.numIndices);

		//add this VBO to the managed cache


	//recreates the buffers on context loss
	create: function() {
		this.gl = this.context.gl;
		var gl = this.gl;
		this.vertexBuffer = gl.createBuffer();

		//ignore index buffer if we haven't specified any
		this.indexBuffer = this.numIndices > 0
					? gl.createBuffer()
					: null;

		this.dirty = true;

	destroy: function() {
		this.vertices = null;
		this.indices = null;
		if (this.vertexBuffer && this.gl)
		if (this.indexBuffer && this.gl)
		this.vertexBuffer = null;
		this.indexBuffer = null;
		if (this.context)
		this.gl = null;
		this.context = null;

	_updateBuffers: function(ignoreBind, subDataLength) {
		var gl = this.gl;

		//bind our index data, if we have any
		if (this.numIndices > 0) {
			if (!ignoreBind)
				gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this.indexBuffer);

			//update the index data
			if (this.indicesDirty) {
				gl.bufferData(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this.indices, this.indexUsage);
				this.indicesDirty = false;

		//bind our vertex data
		if (!ignoreBind)
			gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.vertexBuffer);

		//update our vertex data
		if (this.verticesDirty) {
			if (subDataLength) {
				// TODO: When decoupling VBO/IBO be sure to give better subData support..
				var view = this.vertices.subarray(0, subDataLength);
				gl.bufferSubData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, view);
			} else {
				gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.vertices, this.vertexUsage);	

			this.verticesDirty = false;

	draw: function(primitiveType, count, offset, subDataLength) {
		if (count === 0)

		var gl = this.gl;
		offset = offset || 0;

		//binds and updates our buffers. pass ignoreBind as true
		//to avoid binding unnecessarily
		this._updateBuffers(true, subDataLength);

		if (this.numIndices > 0) { 
			gl.drawElements(primitiveType, count, 
						gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, offset * 2); //* Uint16Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT
		} else
			gl.drawArrays(primitiveType, offset, count);

	//binds this mesh's vertex attributes for the given shader
	bind: function(shader) {
		var gl = this.gl;

		var offset = 0;
		var stride = this.vertexStride;

		//bind and update our vertex data before binding attributes

		//for each attribtue
		for (var i=0; i<this._vertexAttribs.length; i++) {
			var a = this._vertexAttribs[i];

			//location of the attribute
			var loc = a.location === null 
					? shader.getAttributeLocation(a.name)
					: a.location;

			//TODO: We may want to skip unfound attribs
			// if (loc!==0 && !loc)
			// 	console.warn("WARN:", a.name, "is not enabled");

			//first, enable the vertex array

			//then specify our vertex format
			gl.vertexAttribPointer(loc, a.numComponents, a.type || gl.FLOAT, 
								   a.normalize, stride, offset);

			//and increase the offset...
			offset += a.offsetCount * 4; //in bytes

	unbind: function(shader) {
		var gl = this.gl;

		//for each attribtue
		for (var i=0; i<this._vertexAttribs.length; i++) {
			var a = this._vertexAttribs[i];

			//location of the attribute
			var loc = a.location === null 
					? shader.getAttributeLocation(a.name)
					: a.location;

			//first, enable the vertex array

Mesh.Attrib = new Class({

	name: null,
	numComponents: null,
	location: null,
	type: null,

	 * Location is optional and for advanced users that
	 * want vertex arrays to match across shaders. Any non-numerical
	 * value will be converted to null, and ignored. If a numerical
	 * value is given, it will override the position of this attribute
	 * when given to a mesh.
	 * @param  {[type]} name          [description]
	 * @param  {[type]} numComponents [description]
	 * @param  {[type]} location      [description]
	 * @return {[type]}               [description]
	initialize: function(name, numComponents, location, type, normalize, offsetCount) {
		this.name = name;
		this.numComponents = numComponents;
		this.location = typeof location === "number" ? location : null;
		this.type = type;
		this.normalize = Boolean(normalize);
		this.offsetCount = typeof offsetCount === "number" ? offsetCount : this.numComponents;

module.exports = Mesh;