API Docs for: 0.5.1

File: lib/Texture.js

 * @module kami

var Class = require('klasse');
var Signal = require('signals');
var nextPowerOfTwo = require('number-util').nextPowerOfTwo;
var isPowerOfTwo = require('number-util').isPowerOfTwo;

var Texture = new Class({

	 * Creates a new texture with the optional width, height, and data.
	 * If the constructor is passed no parameters other than WebGLContext, then
	 * it will not be initialized and will be non-renderable. You will need to manually
	 * uploadData or uploadImage yourself.
	 * If you pass a width and height after context, the texture will be initialized with that size
	 * and null data (e.g. transparent black). If you also pass the format and data, 
	 * it will be uploaded to the texture. 
	 * If you pass a String or Data URI as the second parameter,
	 * this Texture will load an Image object asynchronously. The optional third
	 * and fourth parameters are callback functions for success and failure, respectively. 
	 * The optional fifrth parameter for this version of the constructor is genMipmaps, which defaults to false. 
	 * The arguments are kept in memory for future context restoration events. If
	 * this is undesirable (e.g. huge buffers which need to be GC'd), you should not
	 * pass the data in the constructor, but instead upload it after creating an uninitialized 
	 * texture. You will need to manage it yourself, either by extending the create() method, 
	 * or listening to restored events in WebGLContext.
	 * Most users will want to use the AssetManager to create and manage their textures
	 * with asynchronous loading and context loss. 
	 * @example
	 * 		new Texture(context, 256, 256); //empty 256x256 texture
	 * 		new Texture(context, 1, 1, Texture.Format.RGBA, Texture.DataType.UNSIGNED_BYTE, 
	 * 					new Uint8Array([255,0,0,255])); //1x1 red texture
	 * 		new Texture(context, "test.png"); //loads image asynchronously
	 * 		new Texture(context, "test.png", successFunc, failFunc, useMipmaps); //extra params for image laoder 
	 * @class  Texture
	 * @constructor
	 * @param  {WebGLContext} context the WebGL context
	 * @param  {Number} width the width of this texture
	 * @param  {Number} height the height of this texture
	 * @param  {GLenum} format e.g. Texture.Format.RGBA
	 * @param  {GLenum} dataType e.g. Texture.DataType.UNSIGNED_BYTE (Uint8Array)
	 * @param  {GLenum} data the array buffer, e.g. a Uint8Array view
	 * @param  {Boolean} genMipmaps whether to generate mipmaps after uploading the data
	initialize: function Texture(context, width, height, format, dataType, data, genMipmaps) {
		if (typeof context !== "object")
			throw "GL context not specified to Texture";
		this.context = context;

		 * The WebGLTexture which backs this Texture object. This
		 * can be used for low-level GL calls.
		 * @type {WebGLTexture}
		this.id = null; //initialized in create()

		 * The target for this texture unit, i.e. TEXTURE_2D. Subclasses
		 * should override the create() method to change this, for correct
		 * usage with context restore.
		 * @property target
		 * @type {GLenum}
		 * @default  gl.TEXTURE_2D
		this.target = context.gl.TEXTURE_2D;

		 * The width of this texture, in pixels.
		 * @property width
		 * @readOnly
		 * @type {Number} the width
		this.width = 0; //initialized on texture upload

		 * The height of this texture, in pixels.
		 * @property height
		 * @readOnly
		 * @type {Number} the height
		this.height = 0; //initialized on texture upload

		// e.g. --> new Texture(gl, 256, 256, gl.RGB, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, data);
		//		      creates a new empty texture, 256x256
		//		--> new Texture(gl);
		//			  creates a new texture but WITHOUT uploading any data. 

		 * The S wrap parameter.
		 * @property {GLenum} wrapS
		this.wrapS = Texture.DEFAULT_WRAP;
		 * The T wrap parameter.
		 * @property {GLenum} wrapT
		this.wrapT = Texture.DEFAULT_WRAP;
		 * The minifcation filter.
		 * @property {GLenum} minFilter 
		this.minFilter = Texture.DEFAULT_FILTER;
		 * The magnification filter.
		 * @property {GLenum} magFilter 
		this.magFilter = Texture.DEFAULT_FILTER;

		 * When a texture is created, we keep track of the arguments provided to 
		 * its constructor. On context loss and restore, these arguments are re-supplied
		 * to the Texture, so as to re-create it in its correct form.
		 * This is mainly useful if you are procedurally creating textures and passing
		 * their data directly (e.g. for generic lookup tables in a shader). For image
		 * or media based textures, it would be better to use an AssetManager to manage
		 * the asynchronous texture upload.
		 * Upon destroying a texture, a reference to this is also lost.
		 * @property managedArgs
		 * @type {Array} the array of arguments, shifted to exclude the WebGLContext parameter
		this.managedArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);

		//This is maanged by WebGLContext

	 * This can be called after creating a Texture to load an Image object asynchronously,
	 * or upload image data directly. It takes the same parameters as the constructor, except 
	 * for the context which has already been established. 
	 * Users will generally not need to call this directly. 
	 * @protected
	 * @method  setup
	setup: function(width, height, format, dataType, data, genMipmaps) {
		var gl = this.gl;

		//If the first argument is a string, assume it's an Image loader
		//second argument will then be genMipmaps, third and fourth the success/fail callbacks
		if (typeof width === "string") {
			var img = new Image();
			var path      = arguments[0];   //first argument, the path
			var successCB = typeof arguments[1] === "function" ? arguments[1] : null;
			var failCB    = typeof arguments[2] === "function" ? arguments[2] : null;
			genMipmaps    = !!arguments[3];

			var self = this;

			//If you try to render a texture that is not yet "renderable" (i.e. the 
			//async load hasn't completed yet, which is always the case in Chrome since requestAnimationFrame
			//fires before img.onload), WebGL will throw us errors. So instead we will just upload some
			//dummy data until the texture load is complete. Users can disable this with the global flag.
			if (Texture.USE_DUMMY_1x1_DATA) {
				self.uploadData(1, 1);
				this.width = this.height = 0;

			img.onload = function() {
				self.uploadImage(img, undefined, undefined, genMipmaps);
				if (successCB)
			img.onerror = function() {
				// console.warn("Error loading image: "+path);
				if (genMipmaps) //we still need to gen mipmaps on the 1x1 dummy
				if (failCB)
			img.onabort = function() {
				// console.warn("Image load aborted: "+path);
				if (genMipmaps) //we still need to gen mipmaps on the 1x1 dummy
				if (failCB)

			img.src = path;
		//otherwise assume our regular list of width/height arguments are passed
		else {
			this.uploadData(width, height, format, dataType, data, genMipmaps);

	 * Called in the Texture constructor, and after the GL context has been re-initialized. 
	 * Subclasses can override this to provide a custom data upload, e.g. cubemaps or compressed
	 * textures.
	 * @method  create
	create: function() {
		this.gl = this.context.gl; 
		var gl = this.gl;

		this.id = gl.createTexture(); //texture ID is recreated
		this.width = this.height = 0; //size is reset to zero until loaded
		this.target = gl.TEXTURE_2D;  //the provider can change this if necessary (e.g. cube maps)


		//TODO: clean these up a little. 
		gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, Texture.UNPACK_ALIGNMENT);
		gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, Texture.UNPACK_FLIP_Y);
		gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_COLORSPACE_CONVERSION_WEBGL, colorspace);

		//setup wrap modes without binding redundantly
		this.setWrap(this.wrapS, this.wrapT, false);
		this.setFilter(this.minFilter, this.magFilter, false);
		if (this.managedArgs.length !== 0) {
			this.setup.apply(this, this.managedArgs);

	 * Destroys this texture by deleting the GL resource,
	 * removing it from the WebGLContext management stack,
	 * setting its size to zero, and id and managed arguments to null.
	 * Trying to use this texture after may lead to undefined behaviour.
	 * @method  destroy
	destroy: function() {
		if (this.id && this.gl)
		if (this.context)
		this.width = this.height = 0;
		this.id = null;
		this.managedArgs = null;
		this.context = null;
		this.gl = null;

	 * Sets the wrap mode for this texture; if the second argument
	 * is undefined or falsy, then both S and T wrap will use the first
	 * argument.
	 * You can use Texture.Wrap constants for convenience, to avoid needing 
	 * a GL reference.
	 * @method  setWrap
	 * @param {GLenum} s the S wrap mode
	 * @param {GLenum} t the T wrap mode
	 * @param {Boolean} ignoreBind (optional) if true, the bind will be ignored. 
	setWrap: function(s, t, ignoreBind) { //TODO: support R wrap mode
		if (s && t) {
			this.wrapS = s;
			this.wrapT = t;
		} else 
			this.wrapS = this.wrapT = s;
		//enforce POT rules..

		if (!ignoreBind)

		var gl = this.gl;
		gl.texParameteri(this.target, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, this.wrapS);
		gl.texParameteri(this.target, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, this.wrapT);

	 * Sets the min and mag filter for this texture; 
	 * if mag is undefined or falsy, then both min and mag will use the
	 * filter specified for min.
	 * You can use Texture.Filter constants for convenience, to avoid needing 
	 * a GL reference.
	 * @method  setFilter
	 * @param {GLenum} min the minification filter
	 * @param {GLenum} mag the magnification filter
	 * @param {Boolean} ignoreBind if true, the bind will be ignored. 
	setFilter: function(min, mag, ignoreBind) { 
		if (min && mag) {
			this.minFilter = min;
			this.magFilter = mag;
		} else 
			this.minFilter = this.magFilter = min;
		//enforce POT rules..

		if (!ignoreBind)

		var gl = this.gl;
		gl.texParameteri(this.target, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, this.minFilter);
		gl.texParameteri(this.target, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, this.magFilter);

	 * A low-level method to upload the specified ArrayBufferView
	 * to this texture. This will cause the width and height of this
	 * texture to change.
	 * @method  uploadData
	 * @param  {Number} width          the new width of this texture,
	 *                                 defaults to the last used width (or zero)
	 * @param  {Number} height         the new height of this texture
	 *                                 defaults to the last used height (or zero)
	 * @param  {GLenum} format         the data format, default RGBA
	 * @param  {GLenum} type           the data type, default UNSIGNED_BYTE (Uint8Array)
	 * @param  {ArrayBufferView} data  the raw data for this texture, or null for an empty image
	 * @param  {Boolean} genMipmaps	   whether to generate mipmaps after uploading the data, default false
	uploadData: function(width, height, format, type, data, genMipmaps) {
		var gl = this.gl;

		format = format || gl.RGBA;
		type = type || gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE;
		data = data || null; //make sure falsey value is null for texImage2D

		this.width = (width || width==0) ? width : this.width;
		this.height = (height || height==0) ? height : this.height;



		gl.texImage2D(this.target, 0, format, 
					  this.width, this.height, 0, format,
					  type, data);

		if (genMipmaps)

	 * Uploads ImageData, HTMLImageElement, HTMLCanvasElement or 
	 * HTMLVideoElement.
	 * @method  uploadImage
	 * @param  {Object} domObject the DOM image container
	 * @param  {GLenum} format the format, default gl.RGBA
	 * @param  {GLenum} type the data type, default gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE
	 * @param  {Boolean} genMipmaps whether to generate mipmaps after uploading the data, default false
	uploadImage: function(domObject, format, type, genMipmaps) {
		var gl = this.gl;

		format = format || gl.RGBA;
		type = type || gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE;
		this.width = domObject.width;
		this.height = domObject.height;



		gl.texImage2D(this.target, 0, format, format,
					  type, domObject);

		if (genMipmaps)

	 * If FORCE_POT is false, we verify this texture to see if it is valid, 
	 * as per non-power-of-two rules. If it is non-power-of-two, it must have 
	 * a wrap mode of CLAMP_TO_EDGE, and the minification filter must be LINEAR
	 * or NEAREST. If we don't satisfy these needs, an error is thrown.
	 * @method  _checkPOT
	 * @private
	 * @return {[type]} [description]
	_checkPOT: function() {
		if (!Texture.FORCE_POT) {
			//If minFilter is anything but LINEAR or NEAREST
			//or if wrapS or wrapT are not CLAMP_TO_EDGE...
			var wrongFilter = (this.minFilter !== Texture.Filter.LINEAR && this.minFilter !== Texture.Filter.NEAREST);
			var wrongWrap = (this.wrapS !== Texture.Wrap.CLAMP_TO_EDGE || this.wrapT !== Texture.Wrap.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);

			if ( wrongFilter || wrongWrap ) {
				if (!isPowerOfTwo(this.width) || !isPowerOfTwo(this.height))
					throw new Error(wrongFilter 
							? "Non-power-of-two textures cannot use mipmapping as filter"
							: "Non-power-of-two textures must use CLAMP_TO_EDGE as wrap");

	 * Binds the texture. If unit is specified,
	 * it will bind the texture at the given slot
	 * (TEXTURE0, TEXTURE1, etc). If unit is not specified,
	 * it will simply bind the texture at whichever slot
	 * is currently active.
	 * @method  bind
	 * @param  {Number} unit the texture unit index, starting at 0
	bind: function(unit) {
		var gl = this.gl;
		if (unit || unit === 0)
			gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + unit);
		gl.bindTexture(this.target, this.id);

	toString: function() {
		return this.id + ":" + this.width + "x" + this.height + "";

 * A set of Filter constants that match their GL counterparts.
 * This is for convenience, to avoid the need for a GL rendering context.
 * @example
 * ```
 *     Texture.Filter.NEAREST
 *     Texture.Filter.NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR
 *     Texture.Filter.NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST
 *     Texture.Filter.LINEAR
 *     Texture.Filter.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR
 *     Texture.Filter.LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST
 * ```
 * @attribute Filter
 * @static
 * @type {Object}
Texture.Filter = {
	NEAREST: 9728,
	LINEAR: 9729,

 * A set of Wrap constants that match their GL counterparts.
 * This is for convenience, to avoid the need for a GL rendering context.
 * @example
 * ```
 *     Texture.Wrap.CLAMP_TO_EDGE
 *     Texture.Wrap.MIRRORED_REPEAT
 *     Texture.Wrap.REPEAT
 * ```
 * @attribute Wrap
 * @static
 * @type {Object}
Texture.Wrap = {
	CLAMP_TO_EDGE: 33071,
	REPEAT: 10497

 * A set of Format constants that match their GL counterparts.
 * This is for convenience, to avoid the need for a GL rendering context.
 * @example
 * ```
 *     Texture.Format.RGB
 *     Texture.Format.RGBA
 *     Texture.Format.LUMINANCE_ALPHA
 * ```
 * @attribute Format
 * @static
 * @type {Object}
Texture.Format = {
	ALPHA: 6406,
	RGBA: 6408,
	RGB: 6407,

 * A set of DataType constants that match their GL counterparts.
 * This is for convenience, to avoid the need for a GL rendering context.
 * @example
 * ```
 *     Texture.DataType.UNSIGNED_BYTE 
 *     Texture.DataType.FLOAT 
 * ```
 * @attribute DataType
 * @static
 * @type {Object}
Texture.DataType = {
	BYTE: 5120,
	SHORT: 5122,
	INT: 5124,
	FLOAT: 5126,
	UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4: 32819,
	UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1: 32820,
	UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5: 33635

 * The default wrap mode when creating new textures. If a custom 
 * provider was specified, it may choose to override this default mode.
 * @attribute {GLenum} DEFAULT_WRAP
 * @static 
 * @default  Texture.Wrap.CLAMP_TO_EDGE
Texture.DEFAULT_WRAP = Texture.Wrap.CLAMP_TO_EDGE;

 * The default filter mode when creating new textures. If a custom
 * provider was specified, it may choose to override this default mode.
 * @attribute {GLenum} DEFAULT_FILTER
 * @static
 * @default  Texture.Filter.LINEAR
Texture.DEFAULT_FILTER = Texture.Filter.NEAREST;

 * By default, we do some error checking when creating textures
 * to ensure that they will be "renderable" by WebGL. Non-power-of-two
 * textures must use CLAMP_TO_EDGE as their wrap mode, and NEAREST or LINEAR
 * as their wrap mode. Further, trying to generate mipmaps for a NPOT image
 * will lead to errors. 
 * However, you can disable this error checking by setting `FORCE_POT` to true.
 * This may be useful if you are running on specific hardware that supports POT 
 * textures, or in some future case where NPOT textures is added as a WebGL extension.
 * @attribute {Boolean} FORCE_POT
 * @static
 * @default  false
Texture.FORCE_POT = false;

//default pixel store operations. Used in create()
Texture.UNPACK_FLIP_Y = false;

//for the Image constructor we need to handle things a bit differently..
Texture.USE_DUMMY_1x1_DATA = true;

 * Utility to get the number of components for the given GLenum, e.g. gl.RGBA returns 4.
 * Returns null if the specified format is not of type DEPTH_COMPONENT, ALPHA, LUMINANCE,
 * @method getNumComponents
 * @static
 * @param  {GLenum} format a texture format, i.e. Texture.Format.RGBA
 * @return {Number} the number of components for this format
Texture.getNumComponents = function(format) {
	switch (format) {
		case Texture.Format.DEPTH_COMPONENT:
		case Texture.Format.ALPHA:
		case Texture.Format.LUMINANCE:
			return 1;
		case Texture.Format.LUMINANCE_ALPHA:
			return 2;
		case Texture.Format.RGB:
			return 3;
		case Texture.Format.RGBA:
			return 4;
	return null;

module.exports = Texture;