API Docs for: 0.5.1

File: lib/SpriteBatch.js

 * @module kami

// Requires....
var Class         = require('klasse');

var BaseBatch = require('./BaseBatch');

var Mesh          = require('./glutils/Mesh');
var ShaderProgram = require('./glutils/ShaderProgram');

 * A basic implementation of a batcher which draws 2D sprites.
 * This uses two triangles (quads) with indexed and interleaved
 * vertex data. Each vertex holds 5 floats (Position.xy, Color, TexCoord0.xy).
 * The color is packed into a single float to reduce vertex bandwidth, and
 * the data is interleaved for best performance. We use a static index buffer,
 * and a dynamic vertex buffer that is updated with bufferSubData. 
 * @example
 *      var SpriteBatch = require('kami').SpriteBatch;  
 *      //create a new batcher
 *      var batch = new SpriteBatch(context);
 *      function render() {
 *          batch.begin();
 *          //draw some sprites in between begin and end...
 *          batch.draw( texture, 0, 0, 25, 32 );
 *          batch.draw( texture1, 0, 25, 42, 23 );
 *          batch.end();
 *      }
 * @class  SpriteBatch
 * @uses BaseBatch
 * @constructor
 * @param {WebGLContext} context the context for this batch
 * @param {Number} size the max number of sprites to fit in a single batch
var SpriteBatch = new Class({

	//inherit some stuff onto this prototype
	Mixins: BaseBatch,

	initialize: function SpriteBatch(context, size) {
		BaseBatch.call(this, context, size);

		 * The projection Float32Array vec2 which is
		 * used to avoid some matrix calculations.
		 * @property projection
		 * @type {Float32Array}
		this.projection = new Float32Array(2);

		//Sets up a default projection vector so that the batch works without setProjection
		this.projection[0] = this.context.width/2;
		this.projection[1] = this.context.height/2;

		 * The currently bound texture. Do not modify.
		 * @property {Texture} texture
		 * @readOnly
		this.texture = null;

	 * This is a convenience function to set the batch's projection
	 * matrix to an orthographic 2D projection, based on the given screen
	 * size. This allows users to render in 2D without any need for a camera.
	 * @param  {[type]} width  [description]
	 * @param  {[type]} height [description]
	 * @return {[type]}        [description]
	resize: function(width, height) {
		this.setProjection(width/2, height/2);

	 * The number of floats per vertex for this batcher 
	 * (Position.xy + Color + TexCoord0.xy).
	 * @method  getVertexSize
	 * @return {Number} the number of floats per vertex
	getVertexSize: function() {
		return SpriteBatch.VERTEX_SIZE;

	 * Used internally to return the Position, Color, and TexCoord0 attributes.
	 * @method  _createVertexAttribuets
	 * @protected
	 * @return {[type]} [description]
	_createVertexAttributes: function() {
		var gl = this.context.gl;

		return [ 
			new Mesh.Attrib(ShaderProgram.POSITION_ATTRIBUTE, 2),
			 //pack the color using some crazy wizardry 
			new Mesh.Attrib(ShaderProgram.COLOR_ATTRIBUTE, 4, null, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, true, 1),
			new Mesh.Attrib(ShaderProgram.TEXCOORD_ATTRIBUTE+"0", 2)

	 * Sets the projection vector, an x and y
	 * defining the middle points of your stage.
	 * @method setProjection
	 * @param {Number} x the x projection value
	 * @param {Number} y the y projection value
	setProjection: function(x, y) {
		var oldX = this.projection[0];
		var oldY = this.projection[1];
		this.projection[0] = x;
		this.projection[1] = y;

		//we need to flush the batch..
		if (this.drawing && (x != oldX || y != oldY)) {

	 * Creates a default shader for this batch.
	 * @method  _createShader
	 * @protected
	 * @return {ShaderProgram} a new instance of ShaderProgram
	_createShader: function() {
		var shader = new ShaderProgram(this.context,
		if (shader.log)
			console.warn("Shader Log:\n" + shader.log);
		return shader;

	 * This is called during rendering to update projection/transform
	 * matrices and upload the new values to the shader. For example,
	 * if the user calls setProjection mid-draw, the batch will flush
	 * and this will be called before continuing to add items to the batch.
	 * You generally should not need to call this directly.
	 * @method  updateMatrices
	 * @protected
	updateMatrices: function() {
		this.shader.setUniformfv("u_projection", this.projection);

	 * Called before rendering, and binds the current texture.
	 * @method _preRender
	 * @protected
	_preRender: function() {
		if (this.texture)

	 * Binds the shader, disables depth writing, 
	 * enables blending, activates texture unit 0, and sends
	 * default matrices and sampler2D uniforms to the shader.
	 * @method  begin
	begin: function() {
		//sprite batch doesn't hold a reference to GL since it is volatile
		var gl = this.context.gl;
		//This binds the shader and mesh!

		this.updateMatrices(); //send projection/transform to shader

		//upload the sampler uniform. not necessary every flush so we just
		//do it here.
		this.shader.setUniformi("u_texture0", 0);

		//disable depth mask

	 * Ends the sprite batcher and flushes any remaining data to the GPU.
	 * @method end
	end: function() {
		//sprite batch doesn't hold a reference to GL since it is volatile
		var gl = this.context.gl;
		//just do direct parent call for speed here
		//This binds the shader and mesh!


	 * Flushes the batch to the GPU. This should be called when
	 * state changes, such as blend functions, depth or stencil states,
	 * shaders, and so forth.
	 * @method flush
	flush: function() {
		//ignore flush if texture is null or our batch is empty
		if (!this.texture)
		if (this.idx === 0)

	 * Adds a sprite to this batch. The sprite is drawn in 
	 * screen-space with the origin at the upper-left corner (y-down).
	 * @method draw
	 * @param  {Texture} texture the Texture
	 * @param  {Number} x       the x position in pixels, defaults to zero
	 * @param  {Number} y       the y position in pixels, defaults to zero
	 * @param  {Number} width   the width in pixels, defaults to the texture width
	 * @param  {Number} height  the height in pixels, defaults to the texture height
	 * @param  {Number} u1      the first U coordinate, default zero
	 * @param  {Number} v1      the first V coordinate, default zero
	 * @param  {Number} u2      the second U coordinate, default one
	 * @param  {Number} v2      the second V coordinate, default one
	draw: function(texture, x, y, width, height, u1, v1, u2, v2) {
		if (!this.drawing)
			throw "Illegal State: trying to draw a batch before begin()";

		//don't draw anything if GL tex doesn't exist..
		if (!texture)

		if (this.texture === null || this.texture.id !== texture.id) {
			//new texture.. flush previous data
			this.texture = texture;
		} else if (this.idx == this.vertices.length) {
			this.flush(); //we've reached our max, flush before pushing more data

		width = (width===0) ? width : (width || texture.width);
		height = (height===0) ? height : (height || texture.height);
		x = x || 0;
		y = y || 0;

		var x1 = x;
		var x2 = x + width;
		var y1 = y;
		var y2 = y + height;

		u1 = u1 || 0;
		u2 = (u2===0) ? u2 : (u2 || 1);
		v1 = v1 || 0;
		v2 = (v2===0) ? v2 : (v2 || 1);

		var c = this.color;

		this.vertices[this.idx++] = x1;
		this.vertices[this.idx++] = y1;
		this.vertices[this.idx++] = c;
		this.vertices[this.idx++] = u1;
		this.vertices[this.idx++] = v1;
		this.vertices[this.idx++] = x2;
		this.vertices[this.idx++] = y1;
		this.vertices[this.idx++] = c;
		this.vertices[this.idx++] = u2;
		this.vertices[this.idx++] = v1;

		this.vertices[this.idx++] = x2;
		this.vertices[this.idx++] = y2;
		this.vertices[this.idx++] = c;
		this.vertices[this.idx++] = u2;
		this.vertices[this.idx++] = v2;

		this.vertices[this.idx++] = x1;
		this.vertices[this.idx++] = y2;
		this.vertices[this.idx++] = c;
		this.vertices[this.idx++] = u1;
		this.vertices[this.idx++] = v2;

	 * Adds a single quad mesh to this sprite batch from the given
	 * array of vertices. The sprite is drawn in 
	 * screen-space with the origin at the upper-left corner (y-down).
	 * This reads 20 interleaved floats from the given offset index, in the format
	 *  { x, y, color, u, v,
	 *      ...  }
	 * @method  drawVertices
	 * @param {Texture} texture the Texture object
	 * @param {Float32Array} verts an array of vertices
	 * @param {Number} off the offset into the vertices array to read from
	drawVertices: function(texture, verts, off) {
		if (!this.drawing)
			throw "Illegal State: trying to draw a batch before begin()";
		//don't draw anything if GL tex doesn't exist..
		if (!texture)

		if (this.texture != texture) {
			//new texture.. flush previous data
			this.texture = texture;
		} else if (this.idx == this.vertices.length) {
			this.flush(); //we've reached our max, flush before pushing more data

		off = off || 0;
		//TODO: use a loop here?
		this.vertices[this.idx++] = verts[off++];
		this.vertices[this.idx++] = verts[off++];
		this.vertices[this.idx++] = verts[off++];
		this.vertices[this.idx++] = verts[off++];
		this.vertices[this.idx++] = verts[off++];
		this.vertices[this.idx++] = verts[off++];
		this.vertices[this.idx++] = verts[off++];
		this.vertices[this.idx++] = verts[off++];
		this.vertices[this.idx++] = verts[off++];
		this.vertices[this.idx++] = verts[off++];

		this.vertices[this.idx++] = verts[off++];
		this.vertices[this.idx++] = verts[off++];
		this.vertices[this.idx++] = verts[off++];
		this.vertices[this.idx++] = verts[off++];
		this.vertices[this.idx++] = verts[off++];

		this.vertices[this.idx++] = verts[off++];
		this.vertices[this.idx++] = verts[off++];
		this.vertices[this.idx++] = verts[off++];
		this.vertices[this.idx++] = verts[off++];
		this.vertices[this.idx++] = verts[off++];

 * The default vertex size, i.e. number of floats per vertex.
 * @attribute  VERTEX_SIZE
 * @static
 * @final
 * @type {Number}
 * @default  5
SpriteBatch.VERTEX_SIZE = 5;

 * Incremented after each draw call, can be used for debugging.
 *     SpriteBatch.totalRenderCalls = 0;
 *     ... draw your scene ...
 *     console.log("Draw calls per frame:", SpriteBatch.totalRenderCalls);
 * @attribute  totalRenderCalls
 * @static
 * @type {Number}
 * @default  0
SpriteBatch.totalRenderCalls = 0;

	"precision mediump float;",
	"varying vec2 vTexCoord0;",
	"varying vec4 vColor;",
	"uniform sampler2D u_texture0;",

	"void main(void) {",
	"   gl_FragColor = texture2D(u_texture0, vTexCoord0) * vColor;",

	"attribute vec2 "+ShaderProgram.POSITION_ATTRIBUTE+";",
	"attribute vec4 "+ShaderProgram.COLOR_ATTRIBUTE+";",
	"attribute vec2 "+ShaderProgram.TEXCOORD_ATTRIBUTE+"0;",

	"uniform vec2 u_projection;",
	"varying vec2 vTexCoord0;",
	"varying vec4 vColor;",

	"void main(void) {", ///TODO: use a projection and transform matrix
	"   gl_Position = vec4( "
		+".x / u_projection.x - 1.0, "
		+".y / -u_projection.y + 1.0 , 0.0, 1.0);",
	"   vTexCoord0 = "+ShaderProgram.TEXCOORD_ATTRIBUTE+"0;",
	"   vColor = "+ShaderProgram.COLOR_ATTRIBUTE+";",

module.exports = SpriteBatch;