API Docs for: 0.5.1

File: lib/BaseBatch.js

 * The core kami module provides basic 2D sprite batching and 
 * asset management.
 * @module kami

var Class = require('klasse');
var Mesh = require('./glutils/Mesh');

var colorToFloat = require('number-util').colorToFloat;

 * A batcher mixin composed of quads (two tris, indexed). 
 * This is used internally; users should look at 
 * {{#crossLink "SpriteBatch"}}{{/crossLink}} instead, which inherits from this
 * class.
 * The batcher itself is not managed by WebGLContext; however, it makes
 * use of Mesh and Texture which will be managed. For this reason, the batcher
 * does not hold a direct reference to the GL state.
 * Subclasses must implement the following:  
 * {{#crossLink "BaseBatch/_createShader:method"}}{{/crossLink}}  
 * {{#crossLink "BaseBatch/_createVertexAttributes:method"}}{{/crossLink}}  
 * {{#crossLink "BaseBatch/getVertexSize:method"}}{{/crossLink}}  
 * @class  BaseBatch
 * @constructor
 * @param {WebGLContext} context the context this batcher belongs to
 * @param {Number} size the optional size of this batch, i.e. max number of quads
 * @default  500
var BaseBatch = new Class({

	initialize: function BaseBatch(context, size) {
		if (typeof context !== "object")
			throw "GL context not specified to SpriteBatch";
		this.context = context;

		this.size = size || 500;
		// 65535 is max index, so 65535 / 6 = 10922.
		if (this.size > 10922)  //(you'd have to be insane to try and batch this much with WebGL)
			throw "Can't have more than 10922 sprites per batch: " + this.size;
		this._blendSrc = this.context.gl.ONE;
		this._blendDst = this.context.gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA
		this._blendingEnabled = true;
		this._shader = this._createShader();

		 * This shader will be used whenever "null" is passed
		 * as the batch's shader. 
		 * @property {ShaderProgram} shader
		this.defaultShader = this._shader;

		 * By default, a SpriteBatch is created with its own ShaderProgram,
		 * stored in `defaultShader`. If this flag is true, on deleting the SpriteBatch, its
		 * `defaultShader` will also be deleted. If this flag is false, no shaders
		 * will be deleted on destroy.
		 * Note that if you re-assign `defaultShader`, you will need to dispose the previous
		 * default shader yoursel. 
		 * @property ownsShader
		 * @type {Boolean}
		this.ownsShader = true;

		this.idx = 0;

		 * Whether we are currently drawing to the batch. Do not modify.
		 * @property {Boolean} drawing
		this.drawing = false;

		this.mesh = this._createMesh(this.size);

		 * The ABGR packed color, as a single float. The default
		 * value is the color white (255, 255, 255, 255).
		 * @property {Number} color
		 * @readOnly 
		this.color = colorToFloat(255, 255, 255, 255);
		 * Whether to premultiply alpha on calls to setColor. 
		 * This is true by default, so that we can conveniently write:
		 *     batch.setColor(1, 0, 0, 0.25); //tints red with 25% opacity
		 * If false, you must premultiply the colors yourself to achieve
		 * the same tint, like so:
		 *     batch.setColor(0.25, 0, 0, 0.25);
		 * @property premultiplied
		 * @type {Boolean}
		 * @default  true
		this.premultiplied = true;

	 * A property to enable or disable blending for this sprite batch. If
	 * we are currently drawing, this will first flush the batch, and then
	 * update GL_BLEND state (enabled or disabled) with our new value.
	 * @property {Boolean} blendingEnabled
	blendingEnabled: {
		set: function(val) {
			var old = this._blendingEnabled;
			if (this.drawing)

			this._blendingEnabled = val;

			//if we have a new value, update it.
			//this is because blend is done in begin() / end() 
			if (this.drawing && old != val) {
				var gl = this.context.gl;
				if (val)


		get: function() {
			return this._blendingEnabled;

	 * Sets the blend source parameters. 
	 * If we are currently drawing, this will flush the batch.
	 * Setting either src or dst to `null` or a falsy value tells the SpriteBatch
	 * to ignore gl.blendFunc. This is useful if you wish to use your
	 * own blendFunc or blendFuncSeparate. 
	 * @property {GLenum} blendDst 
	blendSrc: {
		set: function(val) {
			if (this.drawing)
			this._blendSrc = val;

		get: function() {
			return this._blendSrc;

	 * Sets the blend destination parameters. 
	 * If we are currently drawing, this will flush the batch.
	 * Setting either src or dst to `null` or a falsy value tells the SpriteBatch
	 * to ignore gl.blendFunc. This is useful if you wish to use your
	 * own blendFunc or blendFuncSeparate. 
	 * @property {GLenum} blendSrc 
	blendDst: {
		set: function(val) {
			if (this.drawing)
			this._blendDst = val;

		get: function() {
			return this._blendDst;

	 * Sets the blend source and destination parameters. This is 
	 * a convenience function for the blendSrc and blendDst setters.
	 * If we are currently drawing, this will flush the batch.
	 * Setting either to `null` or a falsy value tells the SpriteBatch
	 * to ignore gl.blendFunc. This is useful if you wish to use your
	 * own blendFunc or blendFuncSeparate. 
	 * @method  setBlendFunction
	 * @param {GLenum} blendSrc the source blend parameter
	 * @param {GLenum} blendDst the destination blend parameter
	setBlendFunction: function(blendSrc, blendDst) {
		this.blendSrc = blendSrc;
		this.blendDst = blendDst;

	 * This is a setter/getter for this batch's current ShaderProgram.
	 * If this is set when the batch is drawing, the state will be flushed
	 * to the GPU and the new shader will then be bound.
	 * If `null` or a falsy value is specified, the batch's `defaultShader` will be used. 
	 * Note that shaders are bound on batch.begin().
	 * @property shader
	 * @type {ShaderProgram}
	shader: {
		set: function(val) {
			var wasDrawing = this.drawing;

			if (wasDrawing) {
				this.end(); //unbinds the shader from the mesh

			this._shader = val ? val : this.defaultShader;

			if (wasDrawing) {

		get: function() {
			return this._shader;

	 * Sets the color of this sprite batcher, which is used in subsequent draw
	 * calls. This does not flush the batch.
	 * If r, g, b, are all numbers, this method assumes that RGB 
	 * or RGBA float values (0.0 to 1.0) are being passed. Alpha defaults to one
	 * if undefined.
	 * If the first three arguments are not numbers, we only consider the first argument
	 * and assign it to all four components -- this is useful for setting transparency 
	 * in a premultiplied alpha stage. 
	 * If the first argument is invalid or not a number,
	 * the color defaults to (1, 1, 1, 1).
	 * @method  setColor
	 * @param {Number} r the red component, normalized
	 * @param {Number} g the green component, normalized
	 * @param {Number} b the blue component, normalized
	 * @param {Number} a the alpha component, normalized
	setColor: function(r, g, b, a) {
		var rnum = typeof r === "number";
		if (rnum
				&& typeof g === "number"
				&& typeof b === "number") {
			//default alpha to one 
			a = (a || a === 0) ? a : 1.0;
		} else {
			r = g = b = a = rnum ? r : 1.0;
		if (this.premultiplied) {
			r *= a;
			g *= a;
			b *= a;
		this.color = colorToFloat(
			~~(r * 255),
			~~(g * 255),
			~~(b * 255),
			~~(a * 255)

	 * Called from the constructor to create a new Mesh 
	 * based on the expected batch size. Should set up
	 * verts & indices properly.
	 * Users should not call this directly; instead, it
	 * should only be implemented by subclasses.
	 * @method _createMesh
	 * @param {Number} size the size passed through the constructor
	_createMesh: function(size) {
		//the total number of floats in our batch
		var numVerts = size * 4 * this.getVertexSize();
		//the total number of indices in our batch
		var numIndices = size * 6;
		var gl = this.context.gl;

		//vertex data
		this.vertices = new Float32Array(numVerts);
		//index data
		this.indices = new Uint16Array(numIndices); 
		for (var i=0, j=0; i < numIndices; i += 6, j += 4) 
			this.indices[i + 0] = j + 0; 
			this.indices[i + 1] = j + 1;
			this.indices[i + 2] = j + 2;
			this.indices[i + 3] = j + 0;
			this.indices[i + 4] = j + 2;
			this.indices[i + 5] = j + 3;

		var mesh = new Mesh(this.context, false, 
						numVerts, numIndices, this._createVertexAttributes());
		mesh.vertices = this.vertices;
		mesh.indices = this.indices;
		mesh.vertexUsage = gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW;
		mesh.indexUsage = gl.STATIC_DRAW;
		mesh.dirty = true;
		return mesh;

	 * Returns a shader for this batch. If you plan to support
	 * multiple instances of your batch, it may or may not be wise
	 * to use a shared shader to save resources.
	 * This method initially throws an error; so it must be overridden by
	 * subclasses of BaseBatch.
	 * @method  _createShader
	 * @return {Number} the size of a vertex, in # of floats
	_createShader: function() {
		throw "_createShader not implemented"

	 * Returns an array of vertex attributes for this mesh; 
	 * subclasses should implement this with the attributes 
	 * expected for their batch.
	 * This method initially throws an error; so it must be overridden by
	 * subclasses of BaseBatch.
	 * @method _createVertexAttributes
	 * @return {Array} an array of Mesh.VertexAttrib objects
	_createVertexAttributes: function() {
		throw "_createVertexAttributes not implemented";

	 * Returns the number of floats per vertex for this batcher.
	 * This method initially throws an error; so it must be overridden by
	 * subclasses of BaseBatch.
	 * @method  getVertexSize
	 * @return {Number} the size of a vertex, in # of floats
	getVertexSize: function() {
		throw "getVertexSize not implemented";

	 * Begins the sprite batch. This will bind the shader
	 * and mesh. Subclasses may want to disable depth or 
	 * set up blending.
	 * @method  begin
	begin: function()  {
		if (this.drawing) 
			throw "batch.end() must be called before begin";
		this.drawing = true;


		//bind the attributes now to avoid redundant calls

		if (this._blendingEnabled) {
			var gl = this.context.gl;

	 * Ends the sprite batch. This will flush any remaining 
	 * data and set GL state back to normal.
	 * @method  end
	end: function()  {
		if (!this.drawing)
			throw "batch.begin() must be called before end";
		if (this.idx > 0)
		this.drawing = false;


		if (this._blendingEnabled) {
			var gl = this.context.gl;

	 * Called before rendering to bind new textures.
	 * This method does nothing by default.
	 * @method  _preRender
	_preRender: function()  {

	 * Flushes the batch by pushing the current data
	 * to GL.
	 * @method flush
	flush: function()  {
		if (this.idx===0)

		var gl = this.context.gl;

		//premultiplied alpha
		if (this._blendingEnabled) {
			//set either to null if you want to call your own 
			//blendFunc or blendFuncSeparate
			if (this._blendSrc && this._blendDst)
				gl.blendFunc(this._blendSrc, this._blendDst); 


		//number of sprites in batch
		var numComponents = this.getVertexSize();
		var spriteCount = (this.idx / (numComponents * 4));
		//draw the sprites
		this.mesh.verticesDirty = true;
		this.mesh.draw(gl.TRIANGLES, spriteCount * 6, 0, this.idx);

		this.idx = 0;

	 * Adds a sprite to this batch.
	 * The specifics depend on the sprite batch implementation.
	 * @method draw
	 * @param  {Texture} texture the texture for this sprite
	 * @param  {Number} x       the x position, defaults to zero
	 * @param  {Number} y       the y position, defaults to zero
	 * @param  {Number} width   the width, defaults to the texture width
	 * @param  {Number} height  the height, defaults to the texture height
	 * @param  {Number} u1      the first U coordinate, default zero
	 * @param  {Number} v1      the first V coordinate, default zero
	 * @param  {Number} u2      the second U coordinate, default one
	 * @param  {Number} v2      the second V coordinate, default one
	draw: function(texture, x, y, width, height, u1, v1, u2, v2) {

	 * Adds a single quad mesh to this sprite batch from the given
	 * array of vertices.
	 * The specifics depend on the sprite batch implementation.
	 * @method  drawVertices
	 * @param {Texture} texture the texture we are drawing for this sprite
	 * @param {Float32Array} verts an array of vertices
	 * @param {Number} off the offset into the vertices array to read from
	drawVertices: function(texture, verts, off)  {

	drawRegion: function(region, x, y, width, height) {
		this.draw(region.texture, x, y, width, height, region.u, region.v, region.u2, region.v2);

	 * Destroys the batch, deleting its buffers and removing it from the
	 * WebGLContext management. Trying to use this
	 * batch after destroying it can lead to unpredictable behaviour.
	 * If `ownsShader` is true, this will also delete the `defaultShader` object.
	 * @method destroy
	destroy: function() {
		this.vertices = null;
		this.indices = null;
		this.size = this.maxVertices = 0;

		if (this.ownsShader && this.defaultShader)
		this.defaultShader = null;
		this._shader = null; // remove reference to whatever shader is currently being used

		if (this.mesh) 
		this.mesh = null;

module.exports = BaseBatch;